Explore our resources related to supporting trans and non-binary folks in your community.
This resource is available only as a downloadable PDF. Click here to download the PDF.
Add Yourself to the Acronym: Understanding (Trans)Gender in Jewish Life Pride Month 5775 Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland, MA Rabbi Jen Gubitz There seems to be little debate that the image…
We encourage you to download and print all the signs to display around bathrooms and similar facilities. Get all the signs as a downloadable PDF.
This resource is available only as a downloadable PDF. Download an 11″ x 17″ printable sign. Download an 8.5″ x 11″ printable sign.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact Info: Mara Levy Marketing & Communications Specialist [email protected] (610) 922-2324 Students dedicate gender neutral bathroom at Philadelphia Jewish school Bryn Mawr, PA, (March 25, 2015) –…
MEDIA CONTACT: Pedro Julio Serrano, Communications Coordinator (Office) 646.358.1479 (Cell) 787.602.5954 [email protected] Days of Awe: Turning to do good By Dr. Joel L. Kushner Jews around…
Gender Fluidity in the Jewish Tradition Source Sheet by Joseph Meszler, with great thanks to Abby Stein Jewish tradition understands the original creation of Adam to be both male and…
“Androgynos is in some manners equivalent to men and in some manners equivalent to women; in some manners equivalent to both men and women; and in some manners equivalent to…
Please note that language used to describe the LGBTQ community and our experiences has rapidly evolved as LGBTQ lives and experiences have gained more visibility. This resource may contain language/content…
Please note that language used to describe the LGBTQ community and our experiences has rapidly evolved as LGBTQ lives and experiences have gained more visibility. This resource may contain language/content…
Please note that language used to describe the LGBTQ community and our experiences has rapidly evolved as LGBTQ lives and experiences have gained more visibility. This resource may contain language/content…
Non-Trans Privilege List Based on Peggy McIntosh’s “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” Written by Jared The following list does not encompass the vastness that is “privilege” but it…
Parshat Yitro: A Love Story By Joy Ladin for Liz The last time I was here at Isabella Freedman, I fell in love at first sight. That’s not quite right.…
Parashat Hayei Sara Genesis 23:1-25:18 November 21, 2008 (23 Cheshvan 5769) “V’Avraham zakein, ba bayamim, va-Adonai beirakh et Avraham bakol. And Abraham was old, advanced in days, and Hashem had…
This resource is available only as a downloadable PDF. Click here to download.
San Francisco, Nov. 13, 2009: As Rabbi Elliot Kukla and Reuben Zellman often teach(1), the broad terms of “transgender” and “trans” can include anyone who knows themselves to be a…
Asheville, North Carolina JCC Locker Room/Restroom Policy Whereas there are appropriate instances when a member or guest may require usage of a locker room and/or restroom that is not labeled…
View this resource as a printable PDF “Transgender Remembrance Day, 100% in God’s Image” Occupy K Street Judaism – McPherson Square, November 18, 2011 WELCOME ALL!! This service, honoring…
What’s in a Pronoun?: Third-Person and All-Gender Pronouns Assembled by Dubbs Weinblatt, Essie Shachar-Hill, and Jacob Klein (May 2019) Updated January 2023 by Chaim Ezra Harrison and Jay Smith THE…
Written non-discrimination policies and benefits form the foundation of diversity and inclusion efforts. Do the organizations you belong to, work for and/or support have a policy in place that specifically…
Save the following JPEG image to print, or display it on your organization’s website: Easily print your own Safe Zone or Pride stickers using Avery 5395 adhesive label paper…
Many events in Jewish life are accompanied by a ritual or ceremony. Our library of materials can help you find a meaningful LGBTQ+ inclusive text or interpretation for your event.
As a family with two dads living in Florida, finding inclusive Jewish spaces is more important than ever. Keshet is working every day to make it easier for families like ours, and we are indebted to Keshet and its staff for their advocacy and programming in our state. We have seen firsthand the impact that Keshet has made for our family, and we are proud to support their continued good work.
Louis and Lane Rosner. Boca Raton, FL