Getting Started

Equality Directory
Equality Directory

Find LGBTQ+ inclusive Jewish institutions and clergy here.

Event Calendar
Event Calendar

Looking for community in-person or online in the near future? Check out all the great events that Keshet has coming up!

The Keshet Blog
The Keshet Blog

Check out our blog featuring voices from Keshet staff and guest contributors!

Resource Library

Resource Library – Browse by Topic
Resource Library – Browse by Topic

Explore the Keshet resource library by topic.

Activism and Allyship
Activism and Allyship

Discover how you can advance LGBTQ rights by being a supportive ally — on the bimah, in the classroom, with your family, and in the streets.

Back to School
Back to School

Make your classroom a place of affirmation and belonging for LGBTQ+ students!

Coming Out
Coming Out

Mazal tov on coming out! Explore our collection of articles, Torah commentaries, and sermons about coming out as LGBTQ in the Jewish community.

Community Belonging Guides
Community Belonging Guides

Community Belonging 101 guides for synagogues, day schools, summer camps, Hillels, and Jewish youth groups.


Explore our collection of articles, rituals, and Torah commentaries for LGBTQ parents and families.

Gender Identity
Gender Identity

Resources and stories to support transgender and non-binary friends and family members.

High Holidays 2024/5785
High Holidays 2024/5785

Celebrate the Chagim/holiday season with Keshet!

Jewish Text and Tradition
Jewish Text and Tradition

How do Jewish text and tradition relate to LGBTQ identity and experience? Check out these resources.

Joy and Resilience
Joy and Resilience

A series of thoughtful conversations with Jewish LGBTQ leaders about what sustains us and keeps us hopeful.

LGBTQ Jewish Heroes
LGBTQ Jewish Heroes

Keshet’s LGBTQ Jewish Heroes poster series was created to celebrate LGBTQ Jews who have transformed the world through their words and lives.

Printable Signs and Stickers
Printable Signs and Stickers

We offer these printable signs and stickers for you to print and use now!

Resources for LGBTQ+ Jews of Color
Resources for LGBTQ+ Jews of Color

Essays, rituals, art, profiles, and more—all by and about LGBTQ+ Jews of Color.

Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals
Supporting Transgender and Non-Binary Individuals

Explore our resources related to supporting trans and non-binary folks in your community.

Torah Queeries
Torah Queeries

Explore creative and incisive queer takes on Torah portions and Jewish holidays, written by dynamic scholars, rabbis, activists, and lay leaders.


Watch and learn with these LGBTQ Jewish videos.

Are we missing something?

If you would like to submit original, unpublished resources for inclusion in our resource library, please email us at [email protected].