Judaism is a beautiful, ever-growing tradition, and Keshet is excited for you to help it grow! Historically, LGBTQ+ Jewish people have been kept at a distance from holy texts. This Siddur insert will be created by you — LGBTQ+ Jewish teens and young adults — inspired by these holy texts and what they mean to you. We’re seeking written pieces (like essays and poetry), visual art (digital and traditional), and even videos and music from creators between the ages of 13 and 24, which will be featured in the form of QR codes. These creations will then be compiled into a downloadable and printable form for members of Keshet’s community to add these art pieces or written works into their own Shabbat practice. We’d especially like to learn about your experiences being Jewish and LGBTQ+, and/or responses to our prompts, but participants shouldn’t feel limited to just those experiences. In short, LGBTQ+ Jews between the ages of 13 and 24 are invited to submit content inspired by siddurim and Shabbat.
We wish to especially uplift the experiences and art of Jews of Color, Jews by choice, disabled Jews, and Jews from multifaith backgrounds. Our goal is to celebrate all of the creative youth in our community by featuring them within this insert. If you need access to materials, Keshet can also offer a limited amount of scholarships to offset the cost of materials. Please email [email protected] to learn more.
We will be accepting submissions for the insert starting June 1, 2023 until July 31, 2023. All youth who submit to this project will receive a free copy once it is published. Jews of Color, Jews by choice, disabled Jews, and Jews from multifaith backgrounds are especially encouraged to submit. Our goal is to celebrate all of the creative youth in our community.
If you need access to materials, Keshet can also offer a limited amount of scholarships to offset the cost of materials. Please email [email protected] to learn more.