Categories for Keshet

What Jewish Disability Wisdom Teaches Us About Shabbat

Last week, Keshet staff had the honor of learning about rest with Rabbi Lauren Tuchman, a discussion that was inspired by Julie Watts Belser’s recently published book, Loving Our Own Bones. Rabbi Tuchman is a powerful leader, speaker, and educator, and is the first blind woman to enter the rabbinate…

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Teens and Hanukkah Miracles

Last night, we hosted our final Monday night hangout for LGBTQ+ Jewish teens of 2023. The facilitators, a fabulous group of five teens from all over the U.S., planned a mini talent show for the occasion. They played guitar, sang, showed their artistic creations, read poems, played the kazoo and…

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A Shabbaton for LGBTQ+ Jews of Color, And More

As we approach Hanukkah this year, I find it important and timely to ask, “What brings you light in times of unforeseeable darkness?” For me, it’s community; the collective togetherness that lights my internal flame, illuminating a clear path out of enveloping darkness. However, since I was a young child,…

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Bringing Keshet’s Equality Project to NYC and Beyond

As Keshet’s New York Education and Training Manager, I know that LGBTQ+ equality and belonging cannot be achieved overnight. There is so much to consider in this process, such as gender-inclusive facilities, LGBTQ+ programming, representation in leadership, inclusive forms and materials, integrating LGBTQ+ rights into a community’s social justice agenda,…

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Trans People Exist in the Future

Every November 20th, on Transgender Day of Remembrance, we honor the memory of transgender and nonbinary people whose lives were lost in acts of anti-trans violence. In the past year, we know that at least 320 trans people were killed – 256 of whom were People of Color and the vast majority of whom…

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We Came Together in Hope

Wow. And thank you. At Keshet’s OUTstanding! 2023 gala last week, I was just wowed by the power of our community to hold so much at once. In a time of pain, we made space for joy. Amidst sorrow, we found laughter. And in the face of fear, we embraced…

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Intersex Day of Remembrance

Jewish tradition is one that recognizes the reality of intersex bodies. Our sages categorized six sexes and grappled with how each individual could best observe halacha. Today, intersex Jews, such as myself, both appreciate the acknowledgement of our existence by our tradition and challenge the framework of our sages. We…

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Refilling Our Cups

If you reached out to us at Keshet last week, you received an auto-responder letting you know that we were out of the office. Yes, all of us. At Keshet, we periodically take time to gather as a full team, move away from our inboxes and meeting schedules, and do the work of dreaming…

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Being in community is good for our souls

Dear Friend, “I’m thinking of you at this terrible time and wanted to send my love.” “How is your family in Israel? How are you holding up?” Such messages have meant the world to me since October 7th. I’ve also drawn a lot of strength from loving exchanges with Palestinian friends…

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Honoring leaders who give us hope

Dear Friend, At Keshet, our hearts and minds continue to be with our loved ones in Israel. We fervently pray for the return of the hostages and hold onto the sanctity of life for all. We weep with the Israeli and now also Palestinian civilians who have suffered unimaginable loss. At…

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