Categories for Keshet

Ki Tisa | Resisting Against Idolatry

This week’s Torah portion is, in part, about idolatry. This is a concept repeated over and over again in Torah: that we must not worship false idols. Today we are not at risk of melting down our gold and turning it into a calf the way the impatient Israelites did…

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Each of Us is Meant to Act

It feels fitting that today, International Women’s Day, comes on the heels of Purim, a holiday that celebrates Queen Esther’s heroism in risking her life to save her people. Jewish history is full of extraordinary women making change: rabble rousers, activists, artists, educators, political leaders, and more. You can learn…

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We’re Hiring in Texas!

We have good news and bad news to share with you. First, the bad: the politicians who pledged to protect the rights of all Texans have already introduced a raft of anti-LGBTQ+ bills. Senate Bills 625 and 249, in particular, would prohibit access to the gender-affirming care that many LGBTQ+…

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What Makes a Welcoming Camp Environment

What makes a welcoming camp environment? Keshet spoke with Rena Kantor (they/she), a 15 year-old participant in our youth programming from the Detroit Metro Area, about their experiences at summer camps. Keshet: What have your summer camp experiences been like? Rena: This is my third year at Camp Ramah Wisconsin.…

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Purim is Radical Resistance

Purim is almost here! It is a holiday of radical imagination and queer resistance. Esther, undercover as a Jew in King Ahashverus’s palace, is urged by her uncle Mordechai to risk her life by coming out as Jewish and advocating for her people. His message is clear: in this time of…

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Revolutionary Love

In the midst of a cold and dreary February, this week marks several days of joy for me. I love to enjoy the all-pink everything, confectionary sweetness of Valentine’s Day. And as part of the holiday, I am choosing to honor the love I have in my life from my…

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Fighting in Florida

Hello from sunny Miami! Keshet staff are here to plan for the year ahead, flex our strategic and creative muscles, and strengthen our relationships to one another. Being in Florida is, unfortunately, bittersweet. As I enjoy the company, warm air, and beachside views, I can’t help but remember that as…

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Reflections from St. Louis

With Tu BiShvat on the horizon, I look out my window and see my home, Chicago, wrapped in a snowy blanket. While the green growth of springtime seems so far away, I saw an entirely different kind of growth this weekend when I joined the Emtza USY (United Synagogue Youth)…

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