Purim is almost here! It is a holiday of radical imagination and queer resistance. Esther, undercover as a Jew in King Ahashverus’s palace, is urged by her uncle Mordechai to risk her life by coming out as Jewish and advocating for her people. His message is clear: in this time of threat, you cannot be silent; you were made for such a time as this.
I can relate to Esther’s terror and bravery. Today, as we are confronted with harmful anti-trans legislation day after day, I feel exposed and exhausted defending my community and my identity as a queer and trans person.
Purim is a holiday of courage and inspiration. And yet, Purim is not just about courage. It is also fundamentally about joy and possibility. And there is nothing more joyous than living my life on my terms, as myself. I imagine that Esther, after she passed through the terror and risk of naming who she was, stood in her power, took a deep breath, and felt this same joy.
PS: As you plan your Purim celebrations, take a look at Keshet’s new resource to make your event into a space of belonging for LGBTQ+ participants.
PPS: Our team is growing! Could you be our next Southwest Community Mobilization Manager, Southwest Education and Training Manager, or Associate Director of Education and Training?