Legislator Outreach Script

Advocacy can be intimidating but we're here to help! Use this discussion guide and script when preparing calls to legislators. The discussion guide will help you feel informed and ready to speak on LGBTQ+ rights and the script can be adapted and changed to fit your needs.

July 27, 2024

Discussion Questions:

  • What is one piece of legislation that you saw last session in your state concerning LGBTQ+ rights? Was it positive or negative?
  • What ended up happening with it? Did it go into law or was it defeated?
  • Why is legislation like this important to you?
  • What Jewish values inform your commitment to trans and LGBQ+ rights?
  • How would you like the 2024 legislative session to be different from the 2023 legislative session with regards to trans and LGBQ+ rights?

Check what anti-trans legislation was proposed in your state in 2023, using this link:



Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a constituent from [where you live]. I want to know that I can count on [Legislator] to support trans and LGBQ+ rights in the 2024 legislative session. Last session, we saw [this bill/this type of bill] [proposed/go into effect], and I wanted to express my [concern/support] for similar bills in the next legislative session.


Legislation like this is important to me because _____________________________.

As a member of the Jewish community, I support trans rights because ________________.


As we go into a pivotal election year, it’s more important than ever to stand up for trans and LGBQ+ rights. I’d love to see [Legislator] [cosponsor/strongly oppose] legislation like [this bill] in 2024.

Thank you for your time!


Now you’re ready to make the call! Click here to get connected to your legislator.


Download this resource as a PDF!