In this short commentary, the author argues that the Days of Awe are a holiday custom-made to the specifications of a gender non-conforming Jew. He also includes a poem on this topic.
By Noach Dzmura
Holiday: Days of Awe
Days of Awe(some)
by Noach Dzmura on Friday October 03, 2008
4 Elul 5768
Days of Awe
If ever there were a Jewish holiday custom-made to the specifications of a gender variant Jew, the Days of Awe would have to be it/them. The Days of Awe are the ten days bordered by Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. They are not a discrete event, rather, they are ten days of liminality – betweenness – within which we prepare ourselves for our closest encounter with the Infinite this side of death. Sounds like transition to me, nu? This holiday rings, shouts, nay, this celebration of liminality blasts forth, bleats, laments and exults with the shofar call of transformation. I hearby dub them instead the Days of AWESOME! Wake up! The shofar says, for:
This is the holiday that recognizes
Even the gender invariant
May be intentionally reconstructed
May have the benefit of masculine, feminine and
That which lies between and beyond
Recognize who you are
Know what you have been this past year
To your shortcomings
Then think yourself
From one image of G-d to another.
Take a firm grip on the tree
Of your own life and
Hold on with your clutching fingertips
To the illusion you embody
A fruit of that tree, you
Hang over the depths
Of your own abyss
And work within
To bear the darkness
For the potential
The gestation
It offers
Then let go
Fall and fly
And laugh for yichud*
May your Days of Awe lead you toward peace with your Finites and with your Infinites. As a result of your Awesome Transformation, may you be Made of Awesome in the coming year.