Pride is Protest, Community, Joy
Pride Month $100K Challenge

David + Marc Matching Challenge

David Passer z”l and Marc Maxwell, Keshet Board Member

David never missed an opportunity to show people who he was and why he deserved full equality. He embodied pride.

Your gift to Keshet this Pride Month makes all the difference for our young people and our entire community.

Every extra dollar you donate to Keshet above last year’s giving level will be fully matched through the generosity of the Maxwell Sedel Family Foundation — up to $100,000.

You did it! The Keshet community increased annual giving by $109,530 for Pride Month. THANK YOU!

Learn David + Marc’s Inspiring Story

Keshet Board member Marc Maxwell met David Passer, the love of his life, during high school at a Jewish youth group convention. After they came out, they felt very drawn to gay liberation work. David never missed a Cincinnati — and then Boston — Pride march.

But they knew that to be their whole selves, they needed to be part of both the gay and Jewish communities. Acceptance was not the goal, full belonging was. In the 1980s, they became their synagogue’s first openly gay household.

Shortly before he passed away, David told us that he wanted to raise $1 million for Keshet as his legacy, so that every LGBTQ+ Jew would have the community, family support, and civil rights that he and Marc fought for. 

Zichrono l’bracha, may David’s memory be for a blessing.

About the David+ Marc Matching Challenge

Learn how your Matching Challenge gift makes so much possible.

The David + Marc Matching Challenge is Keshet’s national Pride Month initiative to motivate increased giving to expand Keshet’s impact. Your gift can go twice as far! All new and increased gifts above your prior-year giving level will be matched $1-for-$1 up to $100K by a generous grant from the Maxwell Sedel Family Foundation in 2024 and 2025.

Donations make it possible for Keshet to expand our advocacy for LGBTQ+ rights during the critical 2024 election year, to expand Keshet teen Shabbaton retreats across the country, to offer new opportunities for LGBTQ+ Jews of Color to build community, and to make sure that all Jewish organizations are building communities of LGBTQ+ belonging.

Click here to learn more about what giving to Keshet makes possible.

The Challenge is inspired by the story of David Passer z”l and Marc Maxwell’s loving relationship, their commitment to Jewish community and LGBTQ+ belonging, and their leadership to build a better world. In short, it is inspired by their pride.

Donors will recognized in Keshet’s Annual Report and in the below donor wall. Everyone is encouraged to donate to Keshet for Pride!

Find out what donations count toward the Matching Challenge.

Every dollar you donate in 2024 above and beyond your 2023 annual giving to Keshet will count toward the match. Help us reach $100,000 by June 30th to access matching funds from the Maxwell Sedel Family Foundation; Marc Maxwell, Trustee. 

Find out how much you donated to Keshet last year.

You can use our 2023 annual campaign lookup tool! If you have any questions, please email [email protected].

Learn about the David Passer Legacy Fund.

The David Passer Legacy Fund is a separate, unique giving opportunity in David Passer’s memory to support Keshet’s work for a world where LGBTQ+ Jewish youth are fully seen and embraced. Click here to learn more.

Thank you to our donors!

Last updated August 7th.

The below donors have generously contributed to Keshet since June 1 during Pride month. Thank you! Donations by individuals listed in bold font are matched through the David + Marc Matching Challenge, reflecting 2024 gifts or pledges that exceed 2023 contribution levels.

If you have any questions about your gift or listing, please email [email protected].

Debra Abolafia and Nancy Cook

Ira Alkalay and Mindy Scharlin

Alma Surrogacy

Rabbi Ruth Alpers

Loen Amer

Natalie Arkus

Paul and Debra Bahner

Dr. Herbert Baum and Dr. Kathleen Whitmire

The Beker Foundation

Audrey and Hal Beerman

Nancy and Dr. Mark Belsky

Anita Bender

Ruthie Berman and Connie Kurtz Z”l

Joan Blair

Jacob Blumenthal and Rabbi Marci Harris-Blumenthal

Rabbi David and Carol Booth

Judith and Arthur Breakstone

Rabbi Ken Brickman and Michael Pizzi

Jadwiga E and Donald Brown

Kerala and Christopher Brown

Matthew Burns

Jeffrey and Andy Burstein

Leah Camhi and Amy Pitter

Stephen Casentini

Donald and Carole Chaiken Foundation

David Cherner

Martin and Helen Cohen

Roxanne and David Cohen

Shelly F. Cohen

Dr. Alex Coleman

Harry Collings and Dan Moon

Congregation B’nai Israel (Galveston, TX)

Congregation Etz Chaim (Lombard, IL)

Michael Costantino

Jon Cross

Roxanne Daniel

Stanley and Brenda Daniels

Remi and Michael Dansinger

Vic DeAngelo

Robert Dekoven

Ariel Dinero

Prof. Sharon and David Djaha

Eliana Dobres

Gail Donner

Rabbi Billy and Cantor Ellen Dreskin

Dr. David Eisenberg and Rabbi Elaine Zecher

Rabbi Marc Ekstrand

Deborah Elkin

Judy and Rabbi Josh Elkin

Rev. Katie Evenbeck

Richard and Sabina Feczko

Andy Fein

Jacqueline and Valerie Fein-Zachary

Ellen Feingold

Fred Felder

Lauren Fine and Jeremiah Rosen

Becca and Mike Fishbein

Ezra Fishbein

Dr. Randy and Robert Fox

Jane Frankel

Marion and Stanley Freedman-Gurspan

Suzi and Lenny Fuld

David Gardner

Phil and Sara Glick

Jamie Gloth

Fran Glushakow

Gary Goldberg

Susan Green

Julie Greenberg and Ronald Chaney



Doreen Grossman

The Gurock Family

Hilary and Laurence Haber

Sherry Hahn and James Hill

Jody Harburger

Rabbi Boaz Heilman and Rabbi Sally Finestone

Felice Helfgott

Jonathan Hertz

Cynthia Hinson

Abby and Jeremiah Holmes

Jackson Holtz and Jeremy Moser

Marie-Louise Jackson-Miller

Naomi Jacobs

Carrie and Mitchell Jacoves

The JCDS Student Led Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) Club

Jill Jones

Marvin Kabakoff

Simon Kaminetsky

Rabbi Raphael Kanter

Saffron Kaplan

Nancy R. Karp

Rebecca Katzman

Henry and Laurie Kay

Daniel Kertzner

Linda and Brian Kingsbury

Rabbi Rabbi Beth Klafter

Naomi Klayman

Larry Kraus and Sara Smolover

Marilyn and Fredrick Kraus

Rozann Kraus and Daniel Epstein

Lori Krasner

Dr. Joy Ladin and Dr. Elizabeth Denlinger

Susan Landau-Van Dyke

Sally and Joe Lang

Andy and Meredith Lesser-Gonzalez

Barry Levy

Paul Lewis

Aliza Lifshitz

Jane Lippow

Arthur and Judy Lipton

Kenneth Liss and Jill Feblowitz

Frank and Barbara Litwin

Dr. Davia Loren

Barry and Lynne Lotenberg

William Luce-Murray

The Jonah Maccabee Foundation

Howard Mallen

Beth Mann

Elizabeth and Richard Mason

Rev. Cheryl Mason-Middleton and Linda Mason

Linda Maurice

Marjorie and Bret Maxwell

Dr. Kenneth Mayer

Carol Michael

Myron Miller

Cindy and Tony Monroe

Mount Zion

Mount Zion Temple (St Paul, MN)

Beth and Behrooz Nazer

Eve Neiger

Gregory Nevins

Joel Newton

Mark Nimar

North Star Financial Services 

Mike and Penny Novack

Rabbi George Nudell and Liba Casson-Nudell

Mark and Patricia Nussbaum

Jane Oderberg

Linda Okun

Shaun and Michele Orcinolo

Liz Paige


Dr. Alice Passer and Rabbi Barry Krieger

Pat Passer

Elaine Mendelow Pinchuk

Daniel Pincus

Derek Politzer

Tamar Prager and Dr. Arielle Freedberg

Julia Probber

Joan Rachlin

Janet Raffel and Rabbi David Sandmel

Dana and Yossi Raucher

Paula Rayman

Ari and Shira Reeves

Deborah and Robert Render

The Render Bendor Family

Adriel Resh

Fern Richardson

Jane Rogers

Michelle Roos and Dr. Daniel Aviv

Louis and Lane Rosner

Lori Rosner

Allen H Roth Family Foundation

Todd Rubin

Emily Scheinberg

Joyce Schriebman

B. Lynne Schwartz

Aviva Seiden

Ralph Seligman

Lester Shane

Joann Share and Rochelle Weichman

Jonathan and Rabbi David Shmidt Chapman

Jodie Siegel

Benjamin and Bryan Silverberg

Barbara Singer

Louis and Abby Singer

Mary Lee and Louie Sirkin

Beverly and David Spencer

Abbie Statsky-Frank and Scott Frank

Ann Sterman

Connie and Bob Stolow

Lisa Stone and Scott Cantor

Laura Stordy

Jennifer Tabak

Cynthia Tatalovich

Temple Adat Shalom

Temple Beth Jacobs

Temple David

Temple Israel (Scranton, PA)

Temple Israel of Boston (Boston, MA)

Temple Shir Tikvah Torah Study

Temple Sinai of Roslyn Social Action Fund

Marcus Thompson

Michael Tortorello

Katherine Tynan

Eliana Vornov

Tammy Wagner

Jeffrey Weener

Elise Weisbach

Lisa West

JRobin Whitley

Mollie Witenoff

Alexander and Mira Wolf

Joan and Steve Woogmaster

M Jeremy Yamin

Mark and Rabbi Mara Young

Judith Zachs

Sue Ann and Glen Zamansky

Patti Zetlin

Amy Zwas and Yoram Bitton