188 Search Results for "marriage"

What’s Different about Gay Wedding Ceremonies?

Please note that language used to describe the LGBTQ community and our experiences has rapidly evolved as LGBTQ lives and experiences have gained more visibility. This resource may contain language/content that is now considered outdated and/or offensive by some. For a list of affirming terms related to LGBTQ inclusion, check…

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Trans/Gender Queer Jewish Wedding Service

Trans/Gender Queer Jewish Wedding Service By Rabbi Elliot Kukla, July 2006 Introduction Over the past months as a newly ordained rabbi I have had the privilege of officiating at a number of weddings involving transgender and/or gender nonconforming people. In some ways these weddings are no more or less unique…

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Including Sheva Berachot in Commitment Ceremonies

When my life partner, Keren, and I celebrated our brit ahavah ten years ago this month, we wanted to make sure that our ceremony was a recognizably Jewish one. We had a chuppah, we drank wine, we exchanged rings, we smashed a glass at the end, and we had friends…

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Transgender Day of Remembrance

San Francisco, Nov. 13, 2009: As Rabbi Elliot Kukla and Reuben Zellman often teach(1), the broad terms of “transgender” and “trans” can include anyone who knows themselves to be a gender that is different than the gender they were assigned at birth. They also teach us that transphobia affects all…

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Deconstructing Leviticus

Deconstructing Leviticus: Finding a Queer Spiritual Path Back from the Exile of Sacred Text By Avi Rose   Queer & Jewish–A Personal Journey And if a man lie with mankind as with womankind, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall…

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Coming Out at Camp

LESSON 6: Coming Out at Camp Goal: To create a space for CITs (Counselors in Training) to think critically about how accessible camp is for those who are LGBT. Objectives: At the end of this lesson, CITs will be able to… identify the difficulties of coming out in the camp…

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Gender in Jewish Law and Thought

Gender in Jewish Law and Thought Prepared by Oren Hayon, UW Hillel   Human Gender: The Essentialist or Biological Component   And God created man in His image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.  God blessed them and God said to them,…

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Challenges in Outreach to LGBTQ Interfaith Couples

The primary mission of the Jewish Outreach Institute (www.JOI.org) is to “reach out and welcome in” the intermarried, and to promote inclusiveness in the Jewish community for intermarried families and disconnected Jews. Originally founded in 1988 as a think tank and research facility devoted to the study of intermarriage, JOI’s…

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Wrestling with Steve Greenberg

“I believe we are living in an age in which the shechinah is becoming visible,” Rabbi Steve Greenberg says. “There are questions we can ask now that we have not been able to ask before.” Greenberg is “the openly gay Orthodox rabbi.” That’s the way he’s referred to in the…

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