SB 21 (+)
Under this act, the State Board of Education shall convene a work group called the "Humanity Education Curriculum Framework Work Group" for purposes of developing a curriculum framework that teachers may use when teaching students in grades 6-12 about the dehumanization of marginalized groups in Missouri. The act defines "dehumanization" as the violation of a person's human rights or bodily autonomy.
HB 796 (+)
Prohibits certain mental health professionals from engaging in conversion therapy with minors
HB 587 (+)
This bill prohibits an employer from discriminating based on gender in providing compensation for the same work performed under similar working conditions. Wage disparities are not prohibited if based on bona fide factors other than gender.
SB 178 (+)
Comprehensive HIV decriminalization legislation.
HB 624 (-)
Anti-trans sports ban. Currently, schools are only allowed to let a student compete in an athletics competition designated for the biological sex of the student, as stated on the student's official birth certificate. Except, female students may participate in competitions designated for male students if there is no corresponding athletics competition designed for female students available. This provision is set to expire on August 28th, 2027. The bill removes the expiration date.
HB 562 (-)
The bill outlines the requirements for a covenant marriage which include that it be between a man and a woman and that the parties obtain eight hours of premarital counseling and 40 hours of marital counseling before a dissolution of the marriage. The bill outlines restrictions on the conditions under which a divorce may be granted for a covenant marriage.
SB 493 (-)
Currently, the prohibition on the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for persons under 18 years of age expires on August 28, 2027. This act removes that expiration date.
SB 298 (-)
Under this act, any identity document issued to a person by a state agency shall contain a gender designation for the person that corresponds to the person's biological sex, except as provided in this act. A state agency shall not assign or amend a gender designation on any such identity document on the basis of the person's self-designation, any gender transition surgery or gender transition drugs or hormones, or any other factor other than evidence demonstrating the person's biological sex.
Any state agency that has previously issued a person an identity document with a gender designation that does not correspond to the person's biological sex shall revoke such document and reissue the document with the gender designation that corresponds to the person's biological sex.
This act repeals provisions of current law that permit a birth certificate to be changed upon receipt of a court order indicating the sex of the person has been changed by surgical procedure and that the person's name has been changed.
SB 390 (-)
Under this act, and unless clearly and specifically stated otherwise, the term "reproductive health care", as used in the laws and regulations of this state, shall not be construed to include gender transition surgeries or the use of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of gender transition for minor children or adults.
SB 249 (-)
Currently, the prohibition on the prescription or administration of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for persons under 18 years of age expires on August 28, 2027. This act removes that expiration date.
SB 117 (-)
This act prohibits any school official at a public school or charter school from encouraging a student under the age of eighteen years old to adopt a gender identity or sexual relationship, as such terms are defined in the act. This prohibition shall not apply to certain course components of a school's curriculum.
The act also establishes provisions prohibiting school officials from withholding information regarding a student's gender identity from his or her parents. A school official shall inform a student's parents within forty-eight hours if the student expresses confusion about his or her gender identity. A school official shall obtain parental consent before addressing a student using a name other than the name provided during enrollment. Finally, a school official shall obtain parental consent before using a pronoun that differs from a student's biological sex as stated on his or her birth certificate or other government record, as provided in the act.
SB 212 (-)
Under this act, all public school shower rooms, locker rooms, and restrooms accessible for use by multiple students shall be designated for and used by male or female students only. The act provides for the best available accommodations for any student who asserts that his or her gender differs from his or her biological sex. Such accommodations may include, but are not limited to, controlled use of faculty shower rooms, locker rooms, or restrooms, or access to single-stall and unisex restrooms.
SB 75 (-)
Currently, a health care provider shall not knowingly prescribe or administer cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for children. This provision of law does not apply to those children who were prescribed or administered such drugs prior to August 28, 2023.
This prohibition on the prescription of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs to children shall expire on August 28, 2027. This act removes the expiration date. Additionally, the provision excluding those children already prescribed or administered the hormones or drugs prior to August 28, 2023, from the general prohibition on the prescription of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs to children shall expire March 1, 2026.
SB 115 (-)
Under this act, school districts are prohibited from teaching about The 1619 Project initiative of The New York Times or any successor theory or concept, critical race theory or any successor theory or concept, and any divisive concepts, as such term is defined in the act. School districts are also prohibited from certain actions listed in the act relating to curriculum and instruction.
In adopting the essential knowledge and skills for the social studies for each grade level from kindergarten through 12th grade, each school district shall adopt knowledge and skills that develop each student's civic knowledge as set forth in the act.
HB 38 (-)
This bill prohibits any school employee or independent contractor from using a pronoun for a student that does not align with the student's biological sex, as indicated on the student's birth certificate, without written permission from the student's parent. The bill restricts schools from requiring any employee or independent contractor from using a pronoun for a student that is different from that student's biological sex if doing so is contrary to the employee's or contractor's religious or moral convictions
HB 35 (-)
Currently, a health care provider must not knowingly prescribe or administer cross-sex hormones or puberty blocking drugs for the purpose of a gender transition for any individual under 18 years of age. This bill specifies that after March 1, 2026, prescriptions for cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs that were given to individuals under 18 years old for the purpose of assisting the individual with a gender transition prior to August 28, 2023, will no longer be considered valid.
HB 76 (-)
This bill establishes the "Defining SEX Act", and provides statutory definitions of the terms "female", "male", and "sex". This bill also specifies that "gender", when used alone and to refer to males, females, or the natural differences between the two, shall be considered a synonym for "sex", and must not be considered a synonym or shorthand expression for "gender identity", "experienced gender", "gender expression", or "gender role". "Gender identity", if the term is used in State law, administrative rules, or guidelines, must not be considered a synonym or substitute for "sex" or "gender".
HB 157 (-)
This bill specifies that any "identity document", as defined in the bill, issued by a state agency must contain a gender designation corresponding to the person's biological sex. This gender designation must not be amended for any reason other than provided evidence demonstrating the person's biological sex. Any identity document that has been issued that is in violation of this bill must be revoked by the State agency that originally issued the document; the State agency must then issue a new identity document that lists the individual's biological sex. The provisions of the bill do not apply to individuals who are born with a medically verifiable disorder of sex development or any individual that has been diagnosed with a disorder of sex development and who, based on genetic or biochemical testing, does not have normal sex chromosome structure, sex steroid hormone production, or sex steroid hormone action.
HB 113 (-)
Currently, schools can only allow students to compete in athletics competitions designated for the student's biological sex, as indicated on the student's official birth certificate. Except that female students may participate in athletics competition designated for male students if no corresponding competition for female students is offered.
HB 156 (-)
This bill provides statutory definitions of the terms "boy", "father", "female", "girl", "male", "man", "mother", "sex", and "woman". The bill also specifies that "gender", when used alone and to refer to males, females, or the natural differences between the two, shall be considered a synonym for "sex", and shall not be considered a synonym or shorthand expression for "gender identity", "experienced gender", "gender expression", or "gender role". "Gender identity", if the term is used in state law, administrative rules, or guidelines, will not be considered a synonym or substitute for "sex" or "gender".
SB 26 (-)
Under this act, and unless clearly and specifically stated otherwise, the term "reproductive health care", as used in the laws and regulations of this state, shall not be construed to include gender transition surgeries or the use of cross-sex hormones or puberty-blocking drugs for the purpose of gender transition for minor children or adults.
SB 76 (-)
Current law prohibits discrimination based on sex in various sectors, including housing, employment, and public accommodations. This act creates a definition for the term "sex" to mean the two categories of humans, male and female, into which individuals are divided based on an individual's reproductive biology at birth and the individual's genome. The term "sex" shall not be construed to include sexual orientation or gender identity.