This Passover, help us share messages of affirmation and support with LGBTQ+ youth! Passover is a holiday about freedom and joy, as we work to liberate and celebrate each one of us. Send a message of support to our young people to let them know they are valued and that we are here, advocating for their rights in our Jewish communities and across our country.

To LGBTQ+ Jewish youth everywhere!

You are beautiful, powerful, and making the world a better place every single day. You are leading the way forward for all of us with your clarity of vision, exuberance, and pride. Know that there are so many of us right here beside you. This Passover, and always, we are cheering you on, supporting you, and celebrating you as exactly who you are.

Idit K., Boston, MA

I empathize with you and support you. 
I can only imagine how tough it is for you.
Keep on doing the absolute best that you can for yourself and everyone else.
It certainly is not and will not be all that easy, however you have the strength, courage and fight within you to persevere, and get through all of this horror.
I have full confidence in you and that you shall overcome all your obstacles with your at times scary hard work.
I send blessings and huge telepathic hugs.

Jack David M., New York, NY

To the young Midwestern queers: I know it’s cliche to say but it really does get better! Liberation doesn’t have to mean leaving the central time zone. I’ll keep fighting for our rights until everyone is free

Katherine, Minneapolis, MN

My name is Raven and I am an Autistic and Jewish transgender man writing this brief message to you.

I hear that Pesach can be a time of pain, loneliness, isolation, and feeling more misunderstood when you live with family who are supportive in their own ways but not when it comes to being LGBTQ+. I invite you to be with people who accept you for you, and I invite you to celebrate yourself and how far you’ve come in your fight to be yourself. I love you.


Raven F., Vaughan ON

I am so proud of you for being the beautiful perfect YOU that you are.

Keep being yourself and don’t let anyone change that.

You are so special and my family and I will fight for your rights until we do not need to fight anymore.

You are loved.

Love, the Waxmans, St. Louis, MO

You are loved just as you are — wherever and whoever you are in this moment is valid!

Kate & Alisa H., Waltham, MA

I know things are really hard right now. Try to remember that there are people who believe you matter and who want you to be here and thrive.

Frances Z., College Station, TX

To my LGBTQ+ peers:

We possess infinite dignity, B’tzelem Elohim, and are a precious gift to this world. Though some may attempt to diminish our worth, we will stand together, lift each other up, and work tirelessly against these closed-minded individuals until every queer person can live, dance, and sing without any sense of shame or fear.

I pray that this Pesach season reinvigorates our world’s commitment to the pursuit of queer liberation. Chag Sameach!

Zachary B., Phoenix, AZ


The world is a better, brighter, more colorful place because you are in it.

Thank you for being brave and allowing us to see your truest most authentic self.

When the world feels dark, shine your light bright!

Karla C., San Francisco

Always remember that you are incredible and that you inspire those around you, both near and far. Thank you for shining brightly every day.

Emily S., Denver, CO

With you at the helm our future is fabulous and bright! Know that, regardless of who you are and who you love, you belong ALWAYS, you have a place in the Jewish community, and you have something to bring to this world that NO ONE else can.

Suzanne F., Silver Spring, MD

There is no one as strong or resilient as LGBTQ+ youth. It’s hard to pick yourself back up and keep going, especially when it feels like certain people don’t want you to do it. But LGBTQ+ youth are getting out there, keep going strong, show them they’re wrong! Don’t change for anyone. We will build the world we all deserve, together!

Issac Y., Chicago, IL

Dear LGBTQ + youth,

I’m wishing you a sweet and meaningful Passover knowing that you are loved, appreciated and supported. As we celebrate our holiday of freedom, we pray that you’ll be free to be your true self because you, like all of us are B’etzelem Elokim, made in the image of God.

Judith B., Avenutra, FL

As we prepare to celebrate our holiday of freedom, we know not all are free. That too many must remain hidden in order to protect themselves. We pray that there will be a day when all may be free. When all of humanity is seen as made in the Divine Image – betzelem Elohim. May you be blessed, in the wholeness of who you are.

Rabbi S, Kalamazoo, MI

Dear LGBTQ+ Jewish young people—you, yourself, the person you are, are so important to the world and to the Jewish people. Keep discovering your authentic self. There is a lot of love waiting for you.

Rabbi Sue F., Newton, MA

Sending you so much love! You are so wonderful just the exact way that you are! I wish you thriving health and joy.

Dan G., Boston, MA

You are a beautiful child of the universe. Though there are people who need to understand that we are all cut from the same human cloth, there are millions who already know this. Those that do stand ready with arms open and hearts connected. Have no fear. Evolve into your best self and find joy wherever you may be. We are right there with you.

David B., Oyster Bay, NY

You are important. You are valued. May this Passover mark the time in your life in which you feel the freedom to be who you are. Chag Sameiach!

Rabbi M, NJ

You are loved and honored for who you are on the inside and the outside. Please know there are so many in our Jewish community who are there to support and love you.

Andy G., Baltimore, MD

You are so amazing! Your identity and journey are integral parts of who you are, and they deserve to be celebrated and cherished! Thank you for helping me embrace my own queer identity.

In community and liberation,

Hensch H., Washington, DC

I am so grateful for all of the magic, dedication, and laughter that you have already brought to the worldand the world is a brighter place because you are a part of it. You are not just going to change the world one day: you are already leading and healing the world around us and building a more liberatory vision of the world we want to live in.

Amram A., New York, NY

You are a bright shiny sparkly presence in our world. I am so thankful for your existence and can’t wait to watch you grow up and continue to become the incredible person you are meant to be! Thank you for having the courage to be who you are.

So much love,

Lonnie K., Philadelphia, PA

I can’t wait to see you shine.

Sarah G., Vancouver, WA

The world needs you just as you are! Know that you are loved, you are never alone, and that there are so many of us here fighting for you and for the entire LGBTQ+ community. Thank you for being you and inspiring us to continue the struggle for full equality and justice. We will build the world we all deserve, together!

Rachel G., Fort Worth, TX

We’re so lucky to have you and your unique voice in the world! Thank you for everything you do. We’re cheering you on and fighting for your right to be your full, wonderful self.

Thea, Berkeley, CA

Last week, I was speaking with a rabbi at a local synagogue and she said, “You know, the young people in our congregation are really leading the way!”
I couldn’t agree with her more; LGBTQ+ teens are POWERFUL! Keep being your fabulous selves – you are inspiring, and you can change the world <3

Jackie M., Chicago, IL

Dear 15 year old me, and current LGBTQ+ youth,

I am 31 now and happier than I thought was possible. I remember growing up and constantly hearing “it gets better” and wondering if that was true or just another thing adults say. Looking back now, it did get SO MUCH better and I am forever grateful for the friends and community that made it so. I am glad that I didn’t stop believing in a future that had a place for me and that I am able to now fight for a future with space for everyone.

Jon C., Miami, FL

To our LGBTQ+ Jewish youth: 🏳️‍🌈 WE NEED YOU! Your voice, experience, and wisdom are vital in advancing our journey towards intersectional liberation. Thank you for being authentically you. Wishing you a joyous Chag Pesach Sameach! 🌟🌈

Shana C., Los Angeles, CA

Dear Wonderful LGBTQ+ Youth,

I am so proud of you. In this season of freedom, I hope that you have the freedom to be your truest self. I was not even aware of my queerness until I was a senior in high school, and I did not come out until I was out of college. You honoring your true identity is such a blessing to yourself.

Happy Passover. May you not have too many bitter herb moments this year. May your life be as sweet as the charoset we eat every year. You matter and I care about you.

Kachel K., Houston, TX

Dear LGBTQ+ Youth,

You inspire me every single day. Your uniqueness, courage, wisdom, and resilience teaches me so much and I’m honored I get to learn from each and every one of you. I promise to keep working for a world where you can not only be yourselves but you can THRIVE!

Don’t change for anyone. Sending you love.

Talia M., Baltimore, MD