7-9pm CT
Base Andersonville
Chicago, Illinois
Price: -
RSVP: Base Andersonville, Mishkan Chicago, and Keshet
On the Shabbat of May 7th we will be reading the Torah portion of “Kedoshim” in Leviticus. Contained within this portion is the Biblical verse condemning homosexuality. For centuries, this verse has been used to silence and to harm people in the LGBTQIA community. For the third year in a row, but the first time in person, we are responding to the annual reading of this verse by creating an event which is solely about hearing and holding queer people’s voices and experiences. We invite you to come and share your stories – whether with queerness and Leviticus, queerness and Torah, queerness and Jewish community, or any other related topic that rises in your heart.
LGBTQIA allies are welcome to participate as audience members, but we are prioritizing queer voices.
7-7:30 Snack and Schmooze
7:30-9 Storytelling