7 pm ET
Price: -
RSVP: Union for Reform Judaism
Before you gather for seder this year, bring your parents and your children closer together. The Jewish Grandparents Network, The Union for Reform Judaism and Keshet present a two-part series, “The Importance of Embracing and Affirming Our Grandchildren’s Many Identities.”
Creating Safe & Affirming Spaces for Our Grandchildren: Addressing Racism, Transphobia, and Lack of Disability Inclusion in Our Communities — Tuesday, March 15, 7 ET/4 PT
L’Dor Va’Dor: Affirming and Loving Your Transgender, Non-Binary, and Gender Expansive Grandchildren — Monday, April 4, 4 ET/1 PT
Register now: https://urj.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUrf-CrqT0tHdF_eocTtk8GxjsUo88WmQyL