8:00 pm Eastern
Price: -
RSVP: Keshet
As queer and trans Jews, we often have to navigate inherited texts that are troubling, problematic, and even violent.
Join LGBTQ Jewish teens in grades 8-12 and rabbinical student Jamie Weisbach as we study different approaches to Deuteronomy 21:10-14, which discusses the biblical laws around captive war brides. Over the course of three weeks together, we’ll grapple with the questions this text raises, and look at several different approaches to how we can interpret this text. Using the text as a case study, we’ll ask: How can we, as queer and trans Jews, struggle and work with texts that are harmful? What are the different tools that we have as we navigate these more painful texts?
This is a three-part discussion that meets on 9/22, 9/29, and 10/06. Participants are encouraged to join us for all three meetings.
This text discusses the laws of captive war brides, which is a difficult text to read and explicitly discusses trauma and violence. Over the course of the program, we will talk about the emotional responses that this text raises in all of us. Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.