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A Tu B’Av Friending Game for LGBTQ Jews of Color

August 8, 2021

2:00pm PST/5:00pm EST


Price: -

RSVP: Jordan Daniels

The third session of Keshet’s summer social programming for LGBTQ Jews of color, led by Jordan Daniels, will be themed around Tu B’Av, a lesser-known Jewish holiday that’s all about celebrating LOVE! While the festival usually focuses on courtship, we’re making this session all about friendship and connection! Get ready to say “Hey, bestie!” in this exciting “friending game!” We’ll be taking the dynamics of a dating game and flipping it on its head for an inclusive experience where everyone walks away feeling more connected to our community. Upon registration you’ll receive a recipe for a Pride-inspired cocktail/mocktail that you can make ahead and enjoy while we play.