1pm ET
Price: -
RSVP: Keshet
The more we unite in our Jewish values, the more we will succeed this November. That’s why Keshet is partnering with the Religious Action Center to discuss the power of Jewish institutions and community members to move the needle this election season. The Religious Right is targeting our rights; together, as a Jewish community, we can stop them.
Candidates continue to use LGBTQ+ rights as political bargaining chips in an attempt to win over extremist factions in November. They forget what we know the facts: anti-LGBTQ+ policies are wildly unpopular and do not represent our values. As people of faith, we must meet this moment with our reality: religion and LGBTQ+ equality are not incompatible. It’s because of our Jewish values that we will go to the polls and vote with our consciences and clarity.
If you would like to register for all sessions at once, reach out to [email protected].
Presented in partnership with the RAC