6 pm ET
The Center for Jewish History
15 West 16th Street
New York, New York
Price: $18 with code NYSJFF_Keshet_HolyCloset10
RSVP: American Sephardi Federation
Join the American Sephardi Federation, the Sephardic Mizrahi Q Network, and Keshet for a screening of The Holy Closet during the NY Sephardi Jewish Film Festival!
6 pm: Screening of The Holy Closet
7 pm: Light reception: Refreshments & Drinks at the Great Hall.
7:30 pm: Chanan Ben Simon Concert: Chanan Ben Simon is a vocalist, multimedia artist, and singer/songwriter (aka Ben Simone) who grew up in Bet  Shemesh, Israel to a religious family of Moroccan descent. From an early age in between studying at the Yeshiva, he wrote piano songs, embodying Kate Bush, and later became nationally known for his musical talent in Israel’s The Voice. He moved to NY, where he’s currently the director of LABA NY, a laboratory for Jewish culture. Chanan’s exceptional music represents his life journey but also his multiple identities.