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12/3 – Jewish Women and Religious Freedom: Knowing & Fighting for Our Rights!

December 3, 2023

approx. 8:30 registration/coffee and 3:30 end

Temple Beth Emet

4807 S. Flamingo Road

Cooper City, Florida

Price: $36, contact if cost is a barrier to entry

RSVP: Jews for a Secular Democracy

Join us for a transformative day of empowerment and enlightenment. This in-person conference brings together passionate advocates, thought leaders and inspiring voices to explore the intersection of Jewish identity, religious freedom, personal power, and public policy.
Our esteemed lineup of speakers and panelists includes: Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Supreme Court Justice Barbara Pariente (ret), Vice Mayor of Broward County and former State Senator Nan Rich, Mona Reis, Michele Eiger, Laura Rodriguez, Denise Lettau, Kristen Browde, Sage Cassell-Rosenberg and more!
This conference centers women and all marginalized genders in the fight for real religious freedom.