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12/19 – LGBTQ+ Hanukkah Hang

December 19, 2022

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Price: -

Join Mishkan and Keshet for the second night of Hanukkah, as we gather with other LGBTQ+ Jews and loved ones to light the hanukkiah. There will be snacks, refreshments, and plenty of time to schmooze. BYOM (bring your own menorah) if you’d like to help us light up the night!


Refreshments: Light snacks will be served.


COVID Safety:

Full vaccination is required for this event, and boosters are strongly encouraged. If you have not yet received the most recent bivalent booster, we ask that you please wear a mask at the event except when eating and drinking. Per Keshet’s local event policy, we will be asking attendees to provide proof of vaccination (vaccination card or photo of card are fine) which will be checked at the door. If you forget your vaccination card, we will ask you to sign a vaccine attestation form. Masking will be optional for attendees who have received the bivalent booster. Other covid mitigations for this event include having several HEPA air filters and fans to encourage air circulation. If you need a mask but forget one, we’ll have some on hand that you can use.