Our congregation won the 2019 Belin Award from the Union for Reform Judaism (the organization representing North American Reform congregations) for our “audacious hospitality” to LGBTQ members, prospective members, and those with LGBTQ family and friends. The positive items that we did not check above are only because they do not apply to our small congregation (e.g., we do not offer any overnight programming or changing rooms of any type). Additionally, Reform Judaism does not deal with issues of halacha.
- Does LGBTQ Advocacy
- Does LGBTQ Outreach
- Gender Inclusive Bathrooms
- Has Inclusive Materials
- Has LGBTQ Library Resources
- Has LGBTQ Programming
- Has Out Leadership
- Has Out Parents
- Has Out Participants
- Lifecycle Occasions
- Staff Trained on Inclusion
- Uses LGBTQ-Inclusive Language
Wedding Commitments
- Weddings/commitment ceremonies for same-sex couples are performed in our synagogue
- Will perform a commitment ceremony for a Jewish same-sex couple
- Will perform a commitment ceremony for a same-sex interfaith couple
- Will perform a wedding for a Jewish same-sex couple
- Will perform a wedding for a same-sex interfaith couple