HaNefesh is a new community without walls. (We do not have a building) All of our programming is online and will remain online even when we are able to be in person after Covid. We believe in being an affirming and welcoming and safe environment for all. As a new community, we are also growing and learning. We are open to and appreciate suggestions and comments about how it is we can be more inclusive and provide the programming and services for all.
- Does LGBTQ Advocacy
- Has Anti-Bullying Focus
- Has Gender Non-Discrimination Policy
- Has Inclusive Materials
- Has Out Leadership
- Has Out Parents
- Has Out Participants
- Has Sexual Orientation ND Policy
- Incorporates LGBTQ Issues
- Lifecycle Occasions
- Staff Trained on Inclusion
- Uses LGBTQ-Inclusive Language
Wedding Commitments
- Welcomes Halakhic LGBTQ queries
- Will perform a commitment ceremony for a Jewish same-sex couple
- Will perform a commitment ceremony for a same-sex interfaith couple
- Will perform a wedding for a Jewish same-sex couple
- Will perform a wedding for a same-sex interfaith couple