12pm to 6pm ET
Price: -
RSVP: Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion
Twenty years after the initial publication of Queer Jews, the Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies in Religion is hosting a symposium in honor of the role the book played in re-imagining the American and global Jewish worlds, and in memory of David Shneer’s many gifts and contributions to queer Jewish life.
David’s husband, Gregg Drinkwater, himself a notable scholar of Jewish and queer history and the former director of a national Jewish LGBTQ advocacy group, will open the day with reflections on the book and on Sheer’s life.
Most of the original contributors to the anthology will then speak about how queer Jewish life has changed in the last twenty years, while also offering thoughts and visions for the future.
The day will close with a tribute to Shneer, as well as two other contributors to the anthology who are no longer with us, Inbal Kashtan and Oscar Wolfman. Their memories are our blessing.
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