5:30pm PT
Price: -
The Teen JQSA, along with the LA Tzelem group, and Q.T. Wellness present Let my People Grow, an hour long Passover gathering with our LGBTQ+ and Jewish teen community!
Hang with other LGBTQ+ and ally Jewish teens at our queer Passover gathering on International Transgender Day of Visibility! Come meet new friends as we dive into the topic of personal growth, learn about the LGBTQ+ Haggadah, and enjoy a wellness activity. Plus, you’ll receive a special gift in the mail to go along with the event when you sign up!
Wednesday, March 31
5:30pm – 6:30pm PT
This event is FREE and open to all teens grade 7 – 12.
Visit www.JQinternational.org/events/JQSAPassover to sign up today, get your free gift in the mail, and receive the Zoom link to join the event.
*Only the first 20 signs up will receive the special activity in the mail with registration completed by March 26th.