415 South Street
Waltham, Massachusetts
Price: $136 BJEP Families/Alum, $180 other community members
RSVP: BJEP (Boston-area Jewish Education Program)
Your invitation awaits to join the BJEP community’s welcoming, inclusive and joyful High Holiday service for families from the comfort and safety of your home. Participate in community, find meaning in the prayers, sing loudly, learn more and reflect on the year as a family.
BJEP’s High Holiday family services integrate tradition and creativity, and we welcome all to join us. Rabbi Myra Meskin, BJEP’s community director, will lead our community service.
Services run a little over an hour. While children of all ages are welcome, the experience will be most meaningful for children ages 4 and up. Zoom details will be sent one hour before services, along with a link to the prayer reference sheet, which will be shared on screen as well.
On Rosh Hashanah, in lieu of a kiddush on site, we invite our guests to welcome the New Year with a glass of wine or juice, apples and honey and challah and/or a food item of your choosing immediately following the service.