11:00 am-11:30 am CT/12:00-12:30 pm ET
Free online, via zoom
Price: -
RSVP: CJE Senior Life's Research Institute
This class is offered at: 11:00-11:30 am CT (12:00-12:30 pm ET) on Tuesdays, from May 10th until June 28th.
Otago is an evidence-based strength and balance group exercise class, offered free on Zoom. All of the exercises can be modified for different fitness levels. Otago meets 1 time per week for 8 weeks and each session is 30 minutes long. You do not need to turn on your camera to participate, and no equipment is needed for class.
This class is offered specifically for members of the LGBTQ community, or those living with HIV, as well as their friends and allies.
Why should you participate?
~Exercise improves your physical health: strength, endurance, and flexibility
~People living with HIV may have conditions like neuropathy or fatigue that can be improved with exercise
~Participating in exercise, especially in a group, improves mood and reduces depression and anxiety
These classes are offered by CJE Senior Life’s Research Institute through a grant provided by the Administration for Community Living.