9-10 am CT/10-11 am ET/7-8 am PT
Free online, via Zoom
Price: -
RSVP: CJE Senior Life's Research Institute
Please join us for free Zoom exercise classes starting January 12th. We’re offering 5 different evidence-based exercise classes that have research evidence that participating in them will improve strength, balance, and fitness.
Bingocize® is a 10-week program (2 sessions per week, 45-60 minutes each). This class meets Wednesdays and Fridays 9-10 am CT. It combines a bingo-like game with exercise and health education. Research shows this program increases fitness, health knowledge, and social engagement.
To see the schedule and register for Bingocize and any of our other classes, please click here:
https://tinyurl.com/zoomwinterexerciseclasses. Alternatively, you can email [email protected] or call 773-508-1055 to get signed up.
These classes are offered by CJE Senior Life’s Research Institute through two grants provided by the Administration for Community Living.