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8/30 – The Justice Series: High Holiday Programming for Clergy

August 30, 2022

4 sessions between Aug 30 and Oct 25, at various times.

Price: -

RSVP: Avodah Institute for Social Change

The call to justice reverberates louder and louder. And at our yearly time of t’shuvah and wholeness, we get to feel the intensity of that call and integrate it into how we live and how we teach. How will you respond to an even more urgent call for justice this year?

These online sessions are for clergy who plan to centralize justice in their High Holy day offerings (sermons, teachings, etc.) in 2022/5783.

Whether you’re deeply rooted in justice movements, or you are approaching hard-to-tackle topics for the first time, these workshops will help you: (a) connect with like-minded colleagues, and (b) access the skills, courage, tools and knowledge to help you lead and inspire your community.

While there are common themes that tie the sessions together, it’s not necessary to attend all four. See more info and RSVP here: