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8/3 – Ohio Ballot Initiative Textbanking

August 3, 2023

6:40pm ET

1610 Little Raven st

Price: -

RSVP: National Council for Jewish Women

As you may already know, in the upcoming August 8th election, it is imperative that Ohio voters vote NO on the ballot initiative that will make it harder to pass the pro-reproductive health ballot initiative that will be on the ballot in November. (This is confusing on purpose!!)

National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW) and Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action (JALSA) are partnering with Voteriders to host a text bank on Thursday, August 3rd at 7pm ET to remind voters about the election and ensure Ohio voters have all the information they need about Ohio’s new restrictive voter ID law to be able to vote.

NCJW will be hosting a brief opening call for our own, State Policy Advocates, NCJWsections and other interested Jewish activists to hear from our advocates on the ground about the work of the NCJW Cleveland Section on this ballot initiative before folks plug into the Voterider text bank at 7pm.

Make sure to sign up with both NCJW and Voteriders in order to participate:

NCJW pre-call:
Voteriders Textbank: