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6/2 – Pride Shabbat with special guest Abby Stein

June 2, 2023


Congregation T'chiyah

22331 Woodward Ave

Ferndale, Michigan

Price: $15

Join us for a Shabbat experience as we kick off Pride month in fabulous Ferndale! We’ll begin the evening with a strolling vegetarian dinner at 6:30 followed by a lively Kabbalat Shabbat service at 7:30 led by local rabbis, Rabbi Yoni Dahlen, Rabbi Jeff Stombaugh, and Rabbi Alana Alpert with our special guest Abby Stein. Stay for a dessert oneg and the opportunity to connect with fellow young Jewish adults in the LGBTQA+ community.

Abby Stein is a Jewish educator, author, speaker and activist. She was born and raised in a Hasidic family and attended Yeshiva, completing a rabbinical degree in 2011. In 2012, she left the Hasidic world to explore a self-determined life. In 2015 Abby came out as a woman of trans experience. Since coming out, she has been working to raise support and awareness for trans rights and those leaving Ultra-Orthodoxy.
$15 per person includes dinner, dessert and drinks.