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Ben Rosenstein was a Jewish trans man, an immigrant from Poland, who lived and died in Chicago. During an examination a doctor “discovered” that Ben had been born and raised as a girl. When he died in 1915, his death certificate was signed by his brother-in-law and listed Ben under his birth name. He was buried in a pauper’s grave without a tombstone.
The Anshe Emet community launched a GoFundMe campaign after learning of Ben from Noam Sienna, their Pride 2019 Scholar-in-Residence. With the money raised, the community is able to honor Ben as a trans man with the unveiling of a headstone listing his name. The unveiling of the headstone was delayed due to the pandemic, but it will now take place this month.
Rabbi D’ror Chankin-Gould and Cantor Elizabeth Berke will officiate at the unveiling at Waldheim Cemetery at 1PM on Sunday, June 27; a special honor during Pride Month. Zoom details are below.
Zoom Info:
Topic: Ben Rosenstein Unveiling
Time: Jun 27, 2021 01:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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