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12/2 – Shabbat Morning Services and Community Learning

December 2, 2023

9:30 AM ET

Temple Emunah

9 Piper Road

Lexington, MA

Price: -

This year marks the 46th year since the inception of the Glatzer Fund and the initiation of Glatzer Memorial Weekend at Temple Emunah, an annual event that honors the memories of Anne and Nahum Glatzer, distinguished and active members of Temple Emunah. In their spirit, we bring eminent Jewish scholars to teach us and study with us.
We hope you will join us for a weekend of exploration, study, and learning together.
9:30 am – Shabbat Services, with a d’var torah, Classic Sources and New Understandings: LGBTQ+ Texts. Reclaiming classical Jewish texts in support of LGBTQ+ inclusion. Scholar-in-Residence, Rabbi Moskowitz, will share insights at the end of the service that will provide a new outlook on our sources.
12 pm – Kiddush Lunch
1 pm – Post-Kiddush talk, Creating an Inclusive and Welcoming Community for All. A text study at the intersection of allyship and spiritual practice based on the weekly portion (Parashat Vayishlah) examining how to create an inclusive and welcoming community. What role can individuals and communities play in creating a holy space in which all its members feel seen, valued, and safe.
6 pm – Havdalah and Text Study with Rabba Wendy Amsellem (includes a complimentary light dinner)