197 Search Results for "marriage"

Jewish groups to talk marriage

  (Photo by Bigstock) The Keshet Parent & Family Connection (KPFC) and JQ Baltimore will partner on March 2 to present a panel discussion exploring the process and experience of same-sex weddings and marriages in the Jewish tradition. Beth El Congregation, 8101 Park Heights Ave., will host the event from…

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Jewish Values Order Us To Protect Gay Marriage

In the early 1970s, while I was CEO of the Seagram Company, public dialogue about gay rights was largely nonexistent in corporate America. Social discourse had not yet even evolved into the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ethos that dominated the following decades. Homosexuality was simply not discussed and therefore, by…

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Massachusetts Gay Marriage to Remain Legal

Jodi Hilton for The New York Times Leah Krieger, left, and Orly Jacobovits joined gay rights advocates celebrating outside the Massachusetts State House in Boston after legislators voted against a measure that would have put gay marriage on the ballot.   BOSTON, June 14 — Same-sex marriage will continue to…

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Jewish Group to Talk Marriage Equality

    The second installment of a “conversation about same-sex marriage” to be presented by the Keshet and Family Connection (keshetonline.org) will take place on May 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the Kol Shalom Synagogue, 9110 Darnestown Rd., Rockville, MD 20850. The previous panel discussion took place in…

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Jewish Groups Discuss Same-­Sex Marriage

Over 50 people attended a panel discussion on March 2 that explored the process and experience of same- sex weddings and marriages in the Jewish tradition. Titled “A Conversation About Same-Sex Marriage,” the discussion was presented by JQ Baltimore, a group that seeks to create an inclusive Jewish Baltimore where…

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Poll: 81% of Jews Back Gay Marriage

It isn’t news that American Jews overwhelmingly support legalizing gay marriage. But a new survey out today puts that level of support at 81%, a few notches higher than previous polls. An older survey conducted last May by the same polling group, the Public Religion Research Institute, pegged American Jewish…

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Celebrating the Supreme Court Ruling on Gay Marriage

Two weeks ago, on the streets of San Francisco, Susan Jacobs celebrated with millions of people across the nation, the just-announced U.S. Supreme Court decision establishing marriage equality across the country. Jacobs, former long-time editor of the Journal, and her family relocated to the city last year. As widely reported, the 5…

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Pesach Sheni and Gay Marriage? (Parashat Behaalotcha)

Parashat Beha’alotcha Pesach Sheni and Gay Marriage? Amy Soule Saturday June 11, 2011 9 Sivan 5771 Numbers 8:1 – 12:16 Hearing Minnesota state Representative Steve Simon’s defense of gay marriage last month left me smiling. He asked, “How many gay people must God create before we ask ourselves if God…

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