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12/4 – Freedom To Be Ourselves Rally- Support Trans Rights at the Supreme Court

December 4, 2024

10am - 5pm ET


Price: FREE

RSVP: Keshet

Across the country, politicians have targeted transgender people’s freedom to determine what’s right for our own families, bodies, and lives. This fall, the Supreme Court will hear from families challenging a Tennessee ban on health care for transgender youth, a case that could decide whether trans people have the same rights under the US Constitution as everyone else.

Families and doctors are challenging Tennessee’s ban under the Constitutional guarantee of equal protection–because no one should be targeted by the government just because of who they are.

Pledge NOW to attend the Freedom To Be Ourselves Rally in DC on Wednesday, December 4th! Join the ACLU, Lambda Legal, and people across the country in solidarity with trans youth and their families against cruel and discriminatory health care bans and for our shared freedoms. As lawyers argue inside, we’re urging the Court to follow the Constitution and protect trans freedom.